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The young English scholar's complete pocket companion. In six parts. Selected from the best writers, divided into short lessons, and adapted to the capacities of children. Part I. A Compendious English Grammar. Part II. The History of the Kings of England, with the most remarkable Events of each Reign. Part III. Geography, in Four Parts; containing, First, The natural Division of the World in General;-Second, A Tour through Europe:-Third, The Counties of England, pointing out the most remarkable Curiosities;-Fourth, A Geographical Table of the principal Places in the known World, and their Situations Part IV. Chronology, containing an Account of the most remarkable Events, Discoveries, and learned Men, from the earliest Period to the present Time. Part V. The most useful Tables in Arithmetic, with the different Weights, Measures, &c. Part VI. An Alphabetical List of Foreign Coins, with their English Value. By R. Gentleman.
Gentleman, Robert (1746-1795)
Literature and Language
printed and sold by G. Gower. Sold also by G.G. and J. Robinson, and T.N. Longman, Paternoster-Row, London