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The ladies and gentlemens musical memorandum: Or, Norfolk Songster. Being a select Collection of the most favourite Songs, Cantatas, Odes, Dialogues, Duets, Rondeaus, Medleys, Catches, and Chorusses. Being in Number One Hundred and Ninety. Particularly all the Songs that have been sung at the Concert-Hall by Mr. Du-Bellamy and Mrs. Death. With several of the Airs in the Summer's Tale, Love at first Sight, and Midas. With some general Instructions for Singing, collected from the most eminent Masters. Such of the Songs in this Collection as are sung to old Tunes, are inserted at the Top. N. B. The Musick of the Tempest, Macbeth, the Dirges in Romeo and Juliet, the single Songs in any Comedy or Musical Entertainment, or of the Songs, &c. . in this Collection, for the Harpsichord, Violin, German Flute, or Guitar, to be had (on giving timely Notice) of Mr. Du-Bellamy, near the White Hart in St. Peter's, Mancroft. Of whom may also be had several favourite Lessons, with Variations, for the Harpsichord.
Literature and Language
printed by W. Chase, in the Cockey-Lane