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Dreadful warnings, With Seasonable Advice to Atheists and Blasphemers of God's Holy Name. I. Giving an account, how one Mr. William Simes of Wapping, a Gentleman of good Parentage, and great Learning, falling into the Company of two Lewd Debauch'd Atheists, from Drunkenness, Swearing & Uncleanness, he fell to denying the being of a God, no Devil, Heaven or Hell, or any future State after this Life: and how being in a drunken debauch, was struck seemingly dead for four & twenty hours: When he came to himself; at the sight & horrour of his Sins he became a true Penitent, declaring the dreadful thing he had seen of God's severe Judgments against Sins ners; by which he converted his two Wicked-Companions before he dy'd. II. His Funeral Sermon, &c. III. A sad Example of a profane blaspheming Wretch who was torn to pieces by the Devil, with the miserable End of his two Companions. IV. How a rich Man being cruel to the poor, & blaspheming God, was struck with Madness, Howling, & Barking like a dog, till he died miserably, &c.
Religion and Philosophy
printed and sold by Patrick Neill