Ornament Details
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Nine sermons upon the following subjects; viz. I. The Lord our righteousness. II. The Seed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent. III. Persecution every Christian's Lot. IV. Abraham's offering up his Son Isaac. V. Saul's Conversion. VI. The Pharisee and Publican. Vii. Christ, the Believer's Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption. Viii. The Holy Spirit convincing the World of Sin, of Righteousness, and of Judgment. IX. The conversion of Zacheus. To which are annexed, several prayers on various occasions. By George Whitefield, A. B. Late of Pembroke-College, Oxford.
printed; and sold by Sam. Mason, Bookseller in Woodstreet; and Gab. Harris, jun. Bookseller in Gloucester