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A syllabus of lectures, On the theory and practice of midwifery: including, the pathology, or general doctrine of the acute and chronical diseases, Incident to women and children, With their Treatment, and Method of Cure. For the clearer Demonstration of Operative Midwifery (whether simply by the Hand, or by the Application of Instruments) the several Methods of assisting, both in laborious and preternatural Parturitions; will not only be described according to the most approved modern Practice, but likewise distinctly shewn, by an artificial Representation of each difficult Case, upon a Machine of a new Construction. The Whole will be illustrated, by a Variety of anatomical Preparations, applicable to each Lecture, by Thomas White, M.D. Praelector of Anatomy, and Midwifery, in the College of Arts and Sciences-Physician to the Infirmary, Lunatic Hospital, and Asylum; and Member of the Literary, and Philosophical Society, in Manchester-Honorary Member of the Medical Society, in London-And Member of the Royal Medical Society, in Edinburgh, &c.
White, Thomas (fl. 1677-1700)
Literature and Language
Harrop, printer