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The new spelling dictionary, teaching to write and pronounce the English tongue with ease and propriety; In which each Word is accented according to its just and natural Pronunciation; the Part of Speech is properly distinguished, and The Various Significations Are Ranged In One Line; With A List of Proper Names of Men and Women. The Whole Compiled and digested in a Manner entirely new, to make it a Complete Pocket Companion For Those Who read Milton, Pope, Addison, Shakespeare, Tillotson, and Locke, or other English Authors of Repute in Prose or Verse: And in particular to a first young People, Artificers, Tradesmen and Foreigners, desirous of understanding what they speak, read and write. To which is prefixed, A Grammatical Introduction to the English Tongue. By the Rev. John Entick, M. A., Editor of Littleton's Latin and English Dictionary and Schrevelius's Greek Lexieon. A New Edition. Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged throughout. To Which IS Now Added, A Catalogue of Words of similar Sounds, but of different Spellings and Significations. By William Crakelt, M. A. Rector of Nursted and Ifield in Kent.
Entick, John (1703?-1773)
Literature and Language
printed for Charles Dilly, In The Poultry