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Remarks upon the following moral and religious subjects, viz. Predestination, Good Works, Universal Redemption, The Expediency of Faith. To conclude with some Reflections upon the Articles of our Church, wherein is endeavored to be shewn their Agreement with the Doctrines of the New Testament, in a Series of letters to a friend. By the Rev. John Francis, M. A. Author of the Life of King David, and Vicar of Lakenham, near Norwich. To which are added, Three sermons, Preached at the assizes held at Thetford and Norwich, In the Year of our Lord 1766. The first inculcates Subjection to Government. The second enforces the Necessity of Religion, Welfare and Support of Government. The Third advises Peace and Good Harmony in conjunction with Industry in our respective Callings. And also a sermon, Preached at the Parish Church of Topcroft, in Norfolk, upon the Death of The Rev. Benjamin Frost, M. A. Rector of that Parish.
Francis, John, Vicar of Lakenham
Religion and Philosophy
printed by W. Chase