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A vindication of Gospel-truth, and refutation of some dangerous errors, in relation to that important question, whether there be promises of the bestowment of special grace, made in Scripture to the unregenerate, on condition of any endeavours, strivings, or doings of theirs whatsoever? Containing a reply to what the author of a late Letter from Aristocles to Authades, has offer'd on the affirmative side of the question, with a view to invalidate the arguments advanc'd by the Rev. Mr. Cooke (of Stratfield) in his printed sermon in favour of the negative. Done i a letter to the Rev. Dr. Samuel Johnson, Episcopal Missionary at Stratford. By Jedidiah Mills, A.M. Pastor of a church at Ripton in Stratford.
Mills, Jedidiah (1697-1776)
Religion and Philosophy
Printed and sold by Rogers and Fowle in Queen-Street
Boston: N.E.