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Faults on all sides. The case of religion consider'd: shewing the substance of true godliness; wherein are also particulariz'd, sundry errors, maxims and corruptions of men and sects of this present age, with suitable observations and reflections thereon. With some conclusive reasons to perswade to unity, moderation and charity. Presented to the inhabitants (especially) of the colony of Rhode Island; and all others who make profession of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. In six sections. To which is added, the prophecies and predictions of the learned James Usher, Lord Archbishop of Armagh, Lord Primate of Ireland, relating to the great persecution that is yet to break out in England, Scotland and Ireland. [Five lines of Scripture text].
Honeyman, James (ca. 1675-1750)
Ussher, James (1581-1656)
Religion and Philosophy
Printed for the author, and sold by E. Nearegreas and J. Franklin
Newport, Rhode-Island