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A caution against deceivers, with respect to the subordination of the Son of God; and a defence of several eminent divines, viz. A. B. Wake, A. B. Tillotson, Dr. Owen, Dr. Manton, &c. Being quotations from their own works. By which it appears, That those Divines never held such a Subordination of the Son of God, as is now pleaded for in Exon, as tho' the Son were a Subordinate Being, or a Subordinate God to the Father; but that when they mention'd any thing of the Subordination of the Son, it was only a Relative Subordination, in the same Being or Godhead; and that they believed the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, to be the one Supream God.
Religion and Philosophy
Printed by George Bishop, and sold by the booksellers in Exon