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Mirth diverts all care: being excellent new songs, compos'd by the most celebrated wits of the age, on divers subjects, viz. The Scotch Riddle unfolded. News from London. The Voyage to Scotland. Sir Henry Wotten to Qanne. The Golden Age. An Old Man Courting a young Girl. The Leveller. The Chearful Heart. The Quaker's Ballad. The Quiet Retreat. Win at first, Lose at last, or, a Game at Cards. The Loyal Scot. On a Ladies Eyes and Lips. A Fly drown'd in a Ladies Eye. The Character of a Good Parson. A Song by Col. Salisbury. A Song on Ingratitude. A Song in English and Latin. Chivy Chase in English and Latin. The Grand Tack. The Fable. The Honest Man's Fate. A Peruke Block. A Latin Song. In Truncum Capillatum. With many more Rare songs, worthy of the Reader's Esteem.
Literature and Language
printed for W. Lewis, at the Dolphin next Tom's Coffee-House in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden