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Popery and slavery display'd. Containing the character of popery, and a relation of popish cruelties, Including, The Spanish Butcheries on the Native Indians; The Persecution of the Waldenses, and Albigenses; Of the Protestants in Bohemia, other Parts of Germany, and in the Low-Countries, and Picdmont. AS Also The Massacrees of Paris and Ireland. With a description of the Spanish Inquisition; and, The dreadful Effects of the French Persecution, under Lewis the Fourteenth. To which are added, The Demands of the Pope and Pretender, on this Nation: and the Grounds and Reasons of the Laws against Popery, &c. Shewing The Necessity of all States and Conditions of Free-Born Englishmen, to arm themselves at this Time, in Defence of their King, Laws, Liberties, Religion, Lives and Fortunes, against a Popish Pretender to the Crown of this Kingdom; and addressed to all protestant subjects; but more especially to that loyal Part of the Nation, who have associated, and armed themselves and their Dependents, in the Cause of God, and of their King and Country.
Casas, Bartolomé de las (1474-1566)
Harris, Thomas (d. 1820)
Religion and Philosophy
printed for C. Corbett, at Addison's Head, over-against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street; T. Harris, at the Looking-Glass and Bible on London-Bridge; and sold by J. Brackstone, in Cornhill; and B. Dod, in Ave-Maria Lane