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A review and consideration of two late pamphlets. The first entituled, Queries to the Presbyterians of Scotland, by a gentleman of that countrey. The second, A querie turn'd into an argument in favours of episcopacy. Exposing the unsound principles, and popish tincture and Tendency of both; and Vindicating the Government and Constitution of this Church from the Cavils and Aspersions contain'd therein. To which are annex'd Counter-Queries offered to the prelatists of Scotland. As also considerations upon church-government: Wherein the most material Points agitated in the Episcopal Controversie, and, in special, upon the Debate and Question of Antiquity, are succinctly cleared; Together with a Defence thereof against Exceptions and Animadversions of a Manuscript, suppos'd to be written by J. S. The whole intended for the further Confirmation of the Testimony of our Church, and Encouragement of her sincere Members in Adherence to her true Gospel Constitution.
Forrester, Thomas (1635?-1706)
Religion and Philosophy
printed by the heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty