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Catskin's garland; or, the wandering young gentlewoman. In five parts. I. Of a rich 'squire's Daughter near London, who was forced from home by her cruel father; how she made herself a garment of catskins, and wandered up and down. II. How she came one morning to a Knight's Door, and begged to lie in the stables, which was soon granted, and how she was entertained after. III. How he discovered Catskin in rich attire, that she had brought from home. How he fell in love with her, and married her. IV. How her mother and sister died, and her father came disguised like a beggar to her gate. V. How he gave her ten thousand pounds.
Literature and Language
printed and sold by T. Cheney; Of whom may be had all sorts of Tracts, Histories, Godly Books, Patters, Children's Books, Collections, Songs, &c. &c. on the lowest terms, wholesale or retail