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The atheist converted: or, the flesh reconciled to the spirit. A conflict between the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. Being carried on in the method of a disputing dialogue, or controversy, between an atheist, or the flesh, and a Christian believer, or the spirit. The Sacred Tragedy, In the several Acts and Scenes of Human Life: Wherein are proved those Great and Divine Truths, viz. the Being of a God, the Immortality of the Soul of Man, and Future Rewards and Punishments; and that Jesus Christ is the Only Son of God, and Saviour of Mankind: All manifestly proved by the Holy Word of God, by the Glorious Works of God, and by the Holy Spirit of God that faithful Witness within us, and by Human Reason. In 5 Books, and 31 Acts: In which all these Great and Divine Truths, and other Points pertaining to them, are argued and defended against the too common rash Objections and Practices of too many Wicked Men, with their vain Pomps and Vanities of this World, the corrupt Inclinations of the Flesh, and the evil Suggestions of the Devil. By William Spencer.
Spencer, William (fl. 1743)
Religion and Philosophy
printed by William Di[cey]