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Bibliotheca miscellanea: or a catalogue of choice books. Both ancient and modern, consisting of, divinity, phylosophy, morality, history physick, Chiruigery, Law, Poetry, Romances &c. In all Volumes. Which will be sold by auction, (or who bids most) for the diversion and entertainment of the gentry of the Ancient City of Norwich, during the time of the assizes to be held there. The sale will begin on Monday the 31st of July, at the Guild-Hall in the market-place, at Four of the Clock in the Afternoon and every Day after at that time, continuing till all are sold; together with Maps, Prints, Pictures, &c. by W. Chase Bookseller in the Cockey-Lane, in Norwich, where catalogues may be had; and at Braithwait's and Blomfield's Coffee-Houses. N.B. Those gentlemen that have a catalogue, are desired to call on Tuesday next for the appendex [sic] which will be added.
Chase, William (d. 1781)
Literature and Language
printed by W. Chase