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Six views of believers baptism: I. As an act of sublime worship to the Adorable Persons in the Godhead. II. As a Representation of the Sufferings of Christ, his Death, Burial, and Resurrection. III. As an Emblem of Regeneration and Sanctification. IV. As the Answer or Declaration of a Good Conscience Towards God. V. As a Powerful Obligation to Newness of Life in a Course of Gospel Obedience. VI. As a lively Figure of the natural Death of every Christian: Designed As an Introduction to a Body of Hymns on Baptism; and to be bound up with them, as a Memorial for the daily use of all Baptized Believers and their Children, especially for every Person that is a Candidate for Believers Baptism. By John Fellows.
Fellows, John (d. 1785)
Religion and Philosophy
printed for G. Keith, Gracechurch-Street