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A discourse on the state of souls, between Death and Judgment. In four parts. Part I. Proving the immortality of the soul. Part II. That the general State of departed Souls between Death and Judgment, is not strictly Heaven and Hell, but Paradise and Prison; proved from the Old and New Testament, and the Faith of the Primitive Christians Part III. The Employment and Happiness of Souls in Paradise. Part IV. What news they may have of the saints below, and of their dear Christian Friends they have left behind. Lastly, Applied for the Comfort and Quickening of such of God's People, as have parted with their dear Christian Friends by Death. By John Weeks. Preacher of the Gospel of Christ, at Yalden in Kent.
Weeks, John (fl. 1749)
Religion and Philosophy
printed and sold for the author, by Stephen Austen, Bookseller, in Newgate - street; and William Mercer, Bookseller and Stationer, at Maidstone in Kent