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Earthquakes the works of God & tokens of his just displeasure. Two sermons on Psal. xviii. 7. At the particular fast in Boston, Nov. 2. and the general thanksgiving, Nov. 9. Occasioned by the late dreadful earthquake. Wherein among other things is offered a brief account o the natural causes of these operations in the hands of God: with a relation of some late terrible ones in other parts of the world, as well as those that have been perceived in New-England since it's [sic] settlement by English inhabitants. By Thomas Prince, M.A. and one of the Pastors of the Sout Church in Boston.
Prince, Thomas (1687-1758)
Henchman, Daniel (1689-1761)
Religion and Philosophy
Printed for D. Henchman, over against the Brick Meeting House in Cornhill
Boston in New-England