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An impartial examination of Mr. Robert Sandeman's Letters on Theron and Aspasio, containing, I. Some general remarks on the spirit and leading notions of the author of those Letters. II. A particular consideration of the character of the Pharisees, and of Jesus, as drawn by Mr. Sandeman-- Remarks upon his conversion of Jonathan the Jew-- The conversion of Cornelius the Gentile as a contrast to Jonathan's. III. The principal sentiments in the Letters collected into order, distinctly examined, and shown in several instances to be inconsistent with one another, and with the sacred oracles, and the whole to be an unhappy mixture of truth with absurdity and falsehood. By Samuel Langdon, D.D. Pastor of the First Church in Portsmouth in New-Hampshire. [Three lines from I Corinthians].
Langdon, Samuel (1723-1797)
Sandeman, Robert (1718-1771)
Fowle, Daniel (1715-1787)
Fowle, Robert Luist (1743-1802)
Holyoke, Edward, MWA (1689-1769)
Religion and Philosophy
Printed, by Daniel & Robert Fowle
Portsmouth, in New-Hampshire, N.E.