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foliage, bowl, flowers, hearts, tailpiece

Two discourses: the former on baptism with the Holy Ghost; the latter on water-baptism: Originally compos'd for, and preach'd to, the Author's own Congregation, for which they were intended as a Preservative against the specious Errors of the Quakers in their Doctrines upon these Subjects; and now, after large Additions, and a great Number of marginal Notes, are sent into the World, in hopes they may become, in some measure, instrumental in convincing all Judicious and Impartial Persons among the Quakers, who are pleas'd to vouchiafe them a serious and deliberate Perusal, of their aforesaid Errors; and a Satisfaction to all others, who desire to see Water Baptism clearly demonstrated from Testimonies of Holy Writ, to be an Institution of Christ of perpetual Obligation. By James Rudd, Curate of Garsdale, in the Parish of Sedbergh, Yorkshire.
Rudd, James
Religion and Philosophy
printed and sold by Thomas Ashburner