Ornament Details
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The life and actions of Moll Flanders. Containing her birth and education in Newgate; her Ambition to be a Gentlewoman; her being taken into a Gentleman's Family; her being debauch'd by her Master's Eldest Son, and married to the Younger; her Marriage to her own Brother; her going over with him to, and settling in, Virginia; her Return to England; her Marriage to an Highwayman, who pass'd for a Person of Quality; her being reduc'd, and turning Thief; her taking some Plate from an House on Fire; her turning Informer; her robbing in Man's Clothes; A singular Adventure that happen'd to her at Bartholomew-Fair; her being apprehended, committed to Newgate, try'd, and cast for her Life; her obtaining Transportation; her meeting with her Quality-Husband in the same Condition; her being transported with him; her second Settlement, and happy Success in Virginia, and Settlement in Ireland; her Estate, Penitence, Age, Death, Burial, Elegy, and Epitaph.
printed and sold by T. Read, behind the Sun Tavern in Fleetstreet