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A catalogue of the valuable and much esteemed museum of the late Rev. Dr. Friend, Dean of Canterbury; comprehending An Assortment of high finished Drawings, coloured from Nature, of Plants, Flowers and Insects, by Alexander Marshall; curious Carvings in Ivory, Gold Silver and Copper, Medals and Coins, sundry Portraits of eminent Personages, Impressions, Shells, Fossils, &c. To which, by permission, are added, The valuable effects of a gentleman, dec. Brought from his late Dwelling House at Weybridge, Surry; consisting of A small well-chosen Collection of Pictures, amongst which Are six sea pieces, by Serres; a large Picture of the Cornaro Family, after Titian; Three Curious Pictures on Marble; some remarkable large Brilliants of the First Water; an Elegant Boquet, composed of Pearls, Brilliants, Rubies and Emeralds; antique Intaglio and Cameo Rings, Plate, and other valuable and curious Articles: Also, A Pair of magnificent Pier Glasses of uncommon Magnitude, in burnished Gold Frames, each Plate 9 Feet 8 Inches high by 5 Feet 4 wide: Which will be sold by Auction, By Mess. Christie and J. Ansell, At their Great Room next Cumberland House, Pall Mall, On Friday, April 25, 1777, and following Day. To be viewed on Wednesday and Thursday preceding the Sale, which will begin each Day at Twelve O'Clock. Catalogues may be then had as above.
Fine Arts
[London ]