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Bibliotheca Biblia. Being a commentary upon all the books of the Old and New Testament. Gather'd out of the Genuine Writings of Fathers and Ecclesiastical Historians, and Acts of Councils, down to the Year of our Lord 451, being that of the Fourth General Council; and lower, as Occasion may require. Comprehending the Proper, Allegorical or Mystick, and Moral Import of the Text, as deliver'd or illustrated in the Writings and Monuments aforesaid, in such a manner, that generally where the Sense of several Commentators is the same, the Words only of One, with the Names of the rest, are cited, to avoid Repetition; and after such Texts as have been made use of by the Ancients against any Heresies, the Denominations of the Hereticks against whom they have been produc'd, are inserted. To which are added, Introductory Discourses upon the Authors and Authentickness of the Books, the Time of their being written, &c. extracted, for the most part, out of the best Authors that have writ upon those Subjects. With Notes and Scholia at the Bottom of the Page. Also a Table, shewing in what Page or Pages the several Chapters and Verses are to be found; a Table of Texts of Holy Scripture Incidentally Illustrated; an Index of Things and Words; and a Catalogue of Infidels Hereticks and Others, Confuted or Censur'd by the Fathers. ... On the Book of Genesis. Part. I.
Parker, Samuel (1681-1730)
Religion and Philosophy
printed at the Theater, for William and John Innys, at the Prince's Arms, at the West End of St. Paul's; London