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The universal fortune teller: or, Mrs. Bridget's (commonly called the Norwood Gipsey) golden treasury explained. Containing I. The whole art of fortune telling by the Planets, Cards, Dice, &c. II. A true Interpretation of all kind of Dreams. III. The Art of Palmestry or Prognostication by the Lines of the Hand. IV. A brief Prognostication concerning Children born on any Day of the Week. V. Explanations to the following among many other Questions, viz. Contracting Marriage, getting into Place, recovery of Health and lost Goods, return of absent Lovers, and the succeeding of almost every undertaking in Life. VI. Several other valuable things equally useful, and entertaining; too numerous to be mentioned in a Title Page, adorn'd with proper Cuts. By Mrs. Bridget, who followed the above Art upwards of 60 Years, and the Manuscript was found conceal'd in an old Rag, in the Thatch of her Hut in Norwood. To which is added another valuable manuscript, written by the noted Dr. Guthrie, (commonly called the Old Bailey Fortune Teller.)
Bridget, Mrs
Literature and Language
printed by T. Sabine, at the London and Middlesex Printing Office, No. 81, Shoe Lane, Holborn; where Printing in all its Branches is performed with Expedition, and on the most reasonable Terms