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The tablet of memory, or historian's guide. Wherein every remarkable occurrence in our history, such as Battles, Sieges, Conspiracies, Rebellions, Invasions, Tryals, Executions, Fires, Earthquakrs, Storms, Revolutions, Births, Marriages, Deaths. and every other memorable event that has happened in England and Ireland to the present Time are accurately recorded, with the dates affixed; together with a full and exact Chronology of the most eminent Men in all Ages. Designed for the Pocket, in Order to set People right in Conversation. By the Rev. John Trusler, D. D. To which are added the following useful Articles, List of the Chief Governors of Ireland. - Ditto of the Lord Mayors and Sheriffs of Dublin down to this Year. - Ditto of the Peers of Ireland, with the Stiles of their eldest Sons. - An exact Table of the Fares of Coaches, Post Chaises, and Sedan Chairs, according to the late Act of Parliament. - Table of Guineas ready cast up. - Tables of Interest. - Tables of Annuities for Lives from Sir Isaac Newton, and a compleat Market Book.
Trusler, John (1735-1820)
History and Geography
printed by Peter Hoey, at the Mercury, in Skinner-Row