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A catalogue of the noble collection of pictures, miniatures, bronzes, gems, magnificent embossed plate, ornaments in gold and silver, Coins and Medals, China, Japan, &c. Of the Right Honourable Lady Elizabeth Germain, Lately Deceas'd; Being the Collection of the old Earls of Peterborough; and also, Part of the Arundelian Collection. Which (by Order of the Executors) Will be sold by Auction, By Mr. Langford and Son, At their House in the Great Piazza, Covent Garden, On Wednesday the 7th of this Instant March 1770, and the Three following Days. The whole may be viewed on Monday the 5th, and till the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day punctually at Twelve O'Clock. Catalogues of which may then be had at Mr. Langford's aforesaid, at Sixpence each. Note. In the Second Day's Sale will be sold, her Ladyship's rich Set of Gold and Silver Dressing Plate, her Brilliant Ear Rings, Necklace, Girdle Buckle, Stay Buckles, and other Jewels; her large and fine Oriental Pearl Necklace, and several other rich and valuable Effects. Conditions of sale as usual.
Fine Arts
[London ]