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A catalogue of a valuable collection of pictures, Amongst which are a very fine Portrait of Mrs. Abingdon, by Sir Joshua Reynolds; a capital Portrait, by Rembrandt; a noble Sketch of Belshazzar's Feast, by Rubens, and a Sea Storm, by W. V. de Velde: Capital High-Finished Drawings, Fine prints, bronzes, &c. the property of Sir John Eliot, dec. Brought from his late Residence in Cecil Street, Strand. Which will be sold by auction, (by order of the executors) By Mr. Christie, At his Great Room in Pall Mall, On Thursday, April 19th, 1787. To be View'd to the Sale, which will begin at Twelve O'Clock. Catalogues may be had as above. N. B. On Friday the 20th, and following Day, will be sold at the Room, Sir John Eliot's Select, well-chosen Library of Books.
Christie, Mr. (James), (1730-1803)
Fine Arts
[London ]