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Tabes dorsalis, or, the cause of consumption in young men and women, with an explication of its symptoms, precautions, and the method of cure. Under the Following Heads, viz. I. The knowledge of Nervous Diseases hardly attainable. II. The Tabes Dorsalis, a particular Species of Consumption, the proxmate Cause of which is, a general Debility of the Nerves. III. The immoderate Loss of so pure a Fluid as the Semen is, has also a considerable Share in producing the Effect. IV. This Consumption is incident only to young Men of Salacious Dispositions, and proceeds from too early Venery, or immoderate Use of it, or Pollution. V. The Symptoms and Effects of the Tabes Dorsalis. VI. The last Stage with more formidable Symptoms; with the Method of Cure. To which is added, a physical account of the nature and effects of venery, as far as relates to young Men, &c. its Use and Abuse; when and in what Circumstances salutary or pernicious to Persons of different Ages, Temperaments, and Constitutions. By a physician of Bristol.
printed for John Lever, Bookseller, Stationer, and Print-Seller, at Little Moorgate, next to London-Wall, near Moorfields