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A catalogue of the libraries of the ingenious Mr. Herbert, an Eminent Engineer; and of the Rev. Mr. Parkins, both deceas'd. Containing some Thousands of valuable and scarce Books in most Languages and Faculties, in very good Condition, many curiously bound, and all gilt or letter'd; among which are in Folio: Buchanani Opera omnia 2 Tom. Guillim's Heraldry, best Opere di Bembo, 4 Tom. Traite de la Police, 4 Tom. Hudson's Josephus, 2 Vol. Kennet's Hist. of England, 3 Vol. Du Fresne's Hist. Byzant. Vetus, &c. Test. 3 Tom. Gr. Lat. Traitez de Paix, 4 Tom. Dew's Journal Q. Eliz. Parliament Dict. de Furetiere. 4 Tom. best Spanhemii Numismata, 2 Tom. Corpus Juris Civilis, 2 Tom. Ed. opt. Patini Rom. Imp. Numismata Ovid in Latin and French, with Picart's fine Cuts Duke of Newcastle's Horsemanship, with fine Cuts Books of Prints, &c. Ricaut's Turkish History, 3 Vol. Verona Illustrata par Maffei Winwood's State Papers, 3 Vol. Le Bruyn's Travels into the Levant, in Dutch, with fine Cuts Nisbet's Heraldry Carte's Life of the Duke of Ormoud, 3 Vol. Harris's Lexicon, 2 Vol. best Stone's Mathematical Instruments Gales Scriptores, 3 Vol. J. Pollux Onomast. 2 Vol. Ed. opt. Reyner de Antiq. Benedict. Davies Welch Dictionary and a Welch Grammar. Several Reports, best Edition Pozzo's Perspective Rolli's Boccace, in Morocco, large and small Paper Duke of Buckingham's Works, with the Original Castrations in Morocco. Castiglione's Courtier, in Morocco. With many more in Folio, Quarto Octavo, &c. equally good. Which will be sold very cheap (many ten Shillings in the Pound less than a Gentleman would buy them for if he wanted them) on Thursday the 21st of July, by Olive Payne, Bookseller, At Horace's Head in Round Court opposite York Buildings in the Strand and to continue till all are sold. Catalogues, with the Prices printed, to be had gratis at the Place of Sale. Where may be had, Most Money for Books in any Language or ... especially foreign.
Payne, Olive (fl. 1731-1739)
Literature and Language
[London ]