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The history of the inquisition, as it subsists in the kingdoms of Spain, Portugal, &c. And in both the Indies, to this Day. Comprehending as well an entertaining Series of its Transactions, as an exact Account of its Constitution, Power, &c. under the following Heads: I. Its Rise, Progress, and Establishment. II. The extraordinary Methods taken to support it. III. The almost boundless Jurisdiction of this Court; its Officers, Laws, Customs, &c. IV. The Nature of its Proceedings against Hereticks. V. The Judgments, Penances, Executions, &c. Interspersed with various, extraordinary, and particular relations concerning the treatment of persons prosecuted in that court; as of Isaac Martin, an Englishman, who lay long in Prison at Granada, in the Reign of the late King George; and whose Account has the Sanction of a Certificate signed by both Archbishops, and by thirteen Bishops, at the Instance of Mr. Secretary Craggs: With many other genuine Cases, extracted from credible Authors, and from Original Papers. To which is added, an appendix of necessary records, and various Original Letters on the Conduct of the Inquisition, hitherto never printed. Compiled and translated by the Reverend J. Baker, M. A. Illustrated with Copper Plates.
Baker, J., Rev., M.A.
Religion and Philosophy
printed and sold by Joseph Marshall; at the Bible in Newgate-Street; and George Davies and Robert Spencer, at the Golden-Ball in White-Fryers