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A pocket companion for free-masons. Containing, I. The history of Masonry. II. The Charges of a Free-Mason, &c. III. General Regulations for the Use of the Lodges in and about the City of Dublin. IV. The Manner of constituting a New Lodge, according to the antient Usage of Masons. V. A Short Charge to be given to a new admitted Brother. VI. A Collection of the Songs of Masons, both Old and New. Vii. Prologues and Epilogues, spoken at the Theatres in Dublin and London, for the Entertainment of Free-Masons. Viii. A list of the warranted lodges in Ireland, Great Britain, France, Spain, Germany, East and West-Indies, &c. Approved of, and Recommended by the Grand Lodge. Deus nobis Sol & Scutum.
Smith, William, freemason
Social Sciences
printed by and for James Magee, at the Bible and Crown in Bridge-Street